Is Detoxing from Alcohol at Home Safe?

Learning to live without alcohol starts with the process of detoxification, such as our Alcohol home detox programme. If you or a loved one have been drinking for a long time, the decision to stop drinking without medication may result in complicated and unnecessary alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Read on to understand the challenges of a home detox, and how our home service provides a safe solution for withdrawing from alcohol.

Home Alcohol Detox Considerations

Starting from at least 6hrs after your last drink you will start to experience withdrawal symptoms that may become increasingly severe over the 1st week:

  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • disorientation
  • hand tremors
  • seizures

Depending on the severity of your alcohol use disorder, you may experience acute alcohol withdrawal or Delirium Tremens:

How to Complete a Home Detox Safely

To successfully detox at home you will require an active support network, from medical professionals to your loved ones. Having a support team to help you navigate the detox phase of your recovery at home will help prevent relapse, when medication is included in your treatment programme your recovery process is made safer.

We provide a home alcohol detox service which offers the necessary support needed to detox safely.

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Home Alcohol Detox Considerations

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Our Home Alcohol Service

Our At-Home detox service has been developed to provide you with the safest home detox process possible, we understand that there is a need for an affordable, safe, and flexible option to facilitate alcohol detox within your home.

Our service offers:

Medically Assisted Alcohol Detox

After your initial telephonic assessment, with our medical professional, to ensure that our service can assist with providing you with a safe detox programme for you at home, you will be prescribed the medication needed to assist with and treat the withdrawal symptoms you may experience, these medications are then posted to you as part of our convenient and confidential service.

Ongoing Support During your Home Detox

You will have to appoint a Support Buddy to assist with your detox, this can be a friend or family member that will ensure that you are kept hydrated, and monitored during the hard initial stages of detox.

We include, in our service, telephone support for you and your Support Buddy, this is to ensure that your medical, emotional, and mental needs are assessed and any additional treatment plans adapted.

Additional Home Detox Services

Sober Coach
A Sober Coach can be assigned to provide you with one-on-one assistance during your detox (This is if you don’t have a suitable Support Buddy to nominate), a Sober Coach has extensive experience and training in helping individuals during the early stages of recovery.

Home-Based Therapy
Detoxing from alcohol is a major achievement, to ensure your success in staying sober, you still have some work to do.

Counselling is a vital part of any substance abuse treatment plan. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and family counselling can help you stay sober by helping you identify and cope with triggers like:

  • Stress,
  • Cues in the environment or at home,
  • Social interactions, like spending time with friends who continue to drink
  • Pre-existing mental health conditions, depression, anxiety known as dual diagnoses.

Our service offers an At-Home Therapy option to assist you during and after your withdrawal.

Book Your Initial Assessment Today

Start the process of withdrawing from alcohol safely today!

    Dr Ocha Onazi MD
    Medically Reviewed by:

    Last Updated:

    Jun 01th, 2024

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