
How to Safely Detox from Alcohol in Dorset

Alcohol Addiction Screening Tools

Alcoholism is a disease that affects your physical well-being, your mental health, your relationships, and your life. You may have noticed that alcohol detox is not an easy challenge, and the process of withdrawal from alcohol can cause dangerous symptoms without medical assistance. This makes alcohol dependency harder to manage by yourself.

When you are ready to make the positive change, you should know where to find the help that you need. In this guide, we help those influenced by alcoholism by looking at the safest 3 ways to achieve alcohol detox in Dorset. From the process of detox and symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol, we make you realise what to expect and how to move forward.

What is an Alcohol Detox & Why is it Necessary?

Alcohol addiction can have severe effects on the individual who is drinking but it also takes a toll on loved ones. Alcohol dependency is hard to recover on your own but can be more difficult if you aren’t sure where or how to start the process. If you want to start anew and stop the psychological and health limitations that are caused by too much drinking, your recovery from alcoholism starts with a safe alcohol detox.

Alcohol is a depressant and over time, with frequent use, it can lead to chronic conditions such as hypertension, high risk of strokes and heart attacks, memory problems, and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

The best way forward from alcohol dependence is with detox but what does it entail and how can it help you or someone you care about?

But there is a way to prevent or reverse many of the symptoms of alcohol addiction and it includes alcohol detox. Rehab and recovery including meeting with a GP and pursuing at home treatment are safe ways you can detox from alcohol in Dorset.

A safe way to detox from alcohol is to seek professional medical support such as the assistance of a GP. GPs can monitor your development and provide the treatment you need to ease withdrawal symptoms. To help you find valuable help for a safe and effective detoxing from alcohol in Dorset, we take a closer look at withdrawal from alcohol and what you can do to overcome with challenges.

To know the impact of withdrawal and the significance of finding the help that you need in Dorset, we look at the nature of withdrawal symptoms and steps to cope up with the complications of addiction.

Will I Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?


Yes, when you detox from alcohol you will experience withdrawal symptoms. This is because your body has developed a alcohol tolerance after drinking for a extended or because of drinking too much. The moment you stop consuming alcohol, you experience symptoms of withdrawal, but you have to add the amount you drink each time you need to alleviate the withdrawal.

Perhaps you have tried to quit drinking alcohol, but you notice that you experience unbearable symptoms until you start consuming alcohol again. This is what is known as withdrawal. Withdrawals from alcohol range from headaches and vomiting to chronic nausea and tremors. You can also experience more severe symptoms such as Delirium Tremens which is a dangerous side effect. DT causes ongoing hallucinations, seizures, and it can put your body into shock leading to death. For these reasons, you should continue detox from alcohol with the professionalism and experience of rehabilitation experts in the privacy of your home or within a private institution.

For those impacted by severe alcoholism, detox from alcohol should be medically supported. Experienced staff or a trusted GP in Dorset can help ease the discomfort caused by withdrawal but more importantly, it can safeguard against relapse and symptoms such as rapid heart rate, tremors, nausea, and Delirium Tremens.

Delirium Tremens is group of life-threatening symptoms including hallucinations, fever, paranoia, and seizures caused by alcohol withdrawal. It must be medically assisted as without the proper professional treatment, DT can lead to heart attacks, stroke, and even death.

Dorset’s Continuous Fight against Addiction

Dorset is a county in England which is facing an addiction crisis. The NHS has revealed that in 2018/19, the county has had 380 hospital admissions where drug-related mental and behavioural disorders were a factor. This is 35 more than the previous year and 50 more than in 2016/17. In 2013/14, when the statistics were initiated, the number was as low as 310. The constant growth of hospital admissions for people suffering from an addiction-related disorder is a big problem for Dorset, and the local community is actively looking for private options to help their loved ones heal and stay in recovery for the long term.

How Do I Safely Detox from Alcohol in Dorset

You can safely detox from alcohol when you have the needed professional help and support on your side. Let’s discuss the 3 ways you can detox from alcoholism. This includes monitoring by a GP, entering a rehab, and an in home detox.

Via a Residential Detox or Rehab Facility Near Dorset

A safe and effective way to overcome alcohol addiction is with residential rehabilitation. A private rehab provides inpatient detox, so you stay at the facility for the period of treatment. A great advantage of such a programme is the capability to resist distractions, triggers, and difficulties that would risk relapse. Guidance is provided 24/7 so if you experience worsening of your symptoms, you have medical staff on hand to help you.

Residential are also encouraged for those with a lengthen alcohol addiction because it prevents exposure to the triggers that risk relapsing. You also have the choice to pursue inpatient treatment after detox. If a inpatient rehab is for you, it is important to learn of the costs. For a private rehab, you could pay up to £1000 per week while luxury rehab centres are between £4000 and £5000 weekly.

It is costly to enter rehab; however, it is a needed part of recovery. A regular detox programme can range £1000 weekly while a luxury rehab is around £5000.

Via a Private Home Detox Service

When you wish to stay in the comfort of your home and remain close to your friends and family in Dorset, you may consider a private detox at home. An at-home detox is provided by professional and well-educated rehabilitation staff. They will come to your house to provide the treatment you need which includes the management of withdrawal symptoms and its impact on your health and your goals for recovery. It is also more cost effective compared to the weekly rate that you will find at a residential rehab.

Professional staff work with you to provide a customised and supervised detox, with the option of remaining at home in Dorset close to friends and loved ones. It is additionally more affordable when compared with residential rehabs and offers extra care and therapeutic support in comparison to detox having a GP.

To find a dependable home detox service, you will need to find a provider who is government-agency listed.

When you choose to detox at home, it is important to find commission care regulated services. This ensures that the provider is authorised to support your recovery and prevent relapse.

Via a GP

GP programmes for alcohol detox have grown drastically in the last 10 years. With a GP assisted detox in Dorset, patients are monitored every few days during the period of withdrawal. Treatment usually involves medication to ease the withdrawal symptoms but in uncommon instances a GP may refer you for an NHS detox at one of their appointed facilities.

A GP supported detox offers cheap solutions rather than the high cost of inpatient programmes. The restriction of such services is that you remain exposed to the same disruptions and the probability of relapsing.

Need Help with a Safe Alcohol Detox in Dorset? We can Help!


Our home detox service is fully registered & compliant.

The difficulties of addiction can easily take hold and badly affect life as you know it. But there is a way to cope alcoholism and it starts with detox and medical support.

To pursue the right treatment options for your needs, you can learn more about our detox at home service below.

Additional Alcohol Detox Services We Provide in Dorset

Sober Coach

A sober coach helps you keep your sobriety especially when you experience stress and difficulties in the process of recovery. Our sober coach is a professional who is there to support you when you cannot overcome, to help you integrate into your social and professional life, and to prevent relapse.

Home Based Addiction Therapy

If you wish to do treatment at home, you can benefit from home addiction therapy. With reliance on home-based detox services, our professional and expert medical staff will provide advice and symptom management as you cope with alcohol withdrawal.

Alcohol Detox FAQ

How long does an alcohol detox take?

The symptoms of withdrawal can start hours after you quit drinking but generally lasts between 24 and 72 hours. Some people can experience withdrawal for weeks after detox; however, the intensity and the duration of symptoms during detox will be influenced by health issues, the period of alcohol dependency, and whether other substances are used.

What should I do during an alcohol detox?

The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be challenging but with rest, a balanced diet, and keeping hydrated, you can ease much of the stress that is placed on your mental and physical health. Practicing meditation and managing stress can help you cope and overcome addiction.

How does alcohol detox medication work?

Because alcohol detox can lead to very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, medication is used in treatment. Benzodiazepines are prescribed to reduce the possibility of seizures while slowing the activity of the central nervous system. This creates a relaxing effect on the mind and body while reducing symptoms such as muscle cramps and high levels of anxiety.

Can I still work during a home alcohol detox?

Owing to the nature of withdrawal and the severity of symptoms that you may experience during detox, it is best to take some time off to dedicate to your health and recovery.


Author / Jason Shiers / Dip.Psych MBACP

Jason Shiers is a Certified Transformative Coach & Certified Psychotherapist who is a specialist in addiction, trauma and eating disorders. He has been working in the field of addiction for 25 years now.

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