
How to Safely Detox from Alcohol in West Yorkshire

Alcohol Addiction Screening Tools

If your drinking is causing constant hangovers, sickness, and relationship difficulties, it is time to find a way to overcome its grip on your life. Alcoholism is a state that impact you and you love ones. To begin your recovery from alcoholism, you need to go for a safe withdrawal from alcohol.

With medical support, trusted resources, and positive change, you can overcome alcoholism and focus on your health and future. To help you with the ways to overcome from alcoholism, we look at the 3 approaches to reach a safe alcohol detox in West Yorkshire. This includes an understanding of alcohol detox and the symptoms of withdrawal.

What is an Alcohol Detox & Why is it Necessary?

Addiction to alcohol has a deepest impact on individuals and their loved ones. Unfortunately, without the necessary help, many who experience addiction to alcohol suffer from physical and mental health difficulties that may affect recovery. Fortunately, there are ways to address alcohol addiction and it starts with a safe alcohol detox.

To better know the way of detox, we need to explore the effect of alcohol addiction on mental and physical well-being. Addiction to alcohol that consists of heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attacks, poor concentration, and the possibility of developing anxiety and depression. Alcohol addiction can increase the risk of developing anxiety and depression, but it can also have a negative impact on your physical health. Research has shown that alcohol dependency is connected to high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, inattention, and possible strokes. Not only can alcohol detox help you improve your focus and prevent heart disease, it can also protect you from mental health conditions.

But there is a way to stop or reverse many of the symptoms of alcoholism and it includes detoxing from alcohol. Rehab and recovery including meeting with a GP and pursuing at home treatment are safe ways you can detox from alcohol in West Yorkshire. One way to stop the hangovers, the blackouts, and to get your life back on track is to pursue alcohol detox. An individual simply cannot recover from alcohol addiction if the substance is still in your body. Detoxing helps you begin with a clean slate, and it eliminates the risk of suffering relapse when you have started to work on your recovery and health.

To understand the impact of alcohol withdrawal and the significance of finding the help that you need in West Yorkshire, we look at the nature of withdrawal symptoms and ways to overcome the complications of addiction.

Will I Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?


When you are heavy drinker and for a long period, you build immunity. This means that you have to drink more alcohol to experience the initial effects and to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal.

As you deduct the amount you take or you stop alcohol altogether, your body experiences withdrawal from alcohol which is not only painful but also dangerous. Fortunately, there are alternatives for individuals who need help to achieve sobriety. For those affected by severe alcoholism, alcohol detox should be medically supported. Experienced staff or a trusted GP in West Yorkshire can help ease the discomfort caused by withdrawal but more importantly, it can safeguard against relapse and symptoms such as rapid heart rate, tremors, nausea, and Delirium Tremens.

Together with the management of complicated symptoms, support groups can lessen the occurrence of Delirium Tremens that can lead to death without professional care. DT includes persistent hallucinations, paranoia, high temperature, and seizure. It is a serious condition and must be professionally managed for safe and healthy recovery.

West Yorkshire’s Battle against Addiction

West Yorkshire is one of the most populated counties in England with over 2,300,000 citizens currently residing in the area. According to the latest data, this puts the county in the fourth position. The 2020 report by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) revealed that, while overall crime rates for the region are dropping, drug-related crimes are on the rise by 22% compared to 2019. A local tracker shows that as of May 2022, West Yorkshire’s drug-related crime rate is higher than the country avegare (130% total).

How Do I Safely Detox from Alcohol in West Yorkshire

Detox & recovery is a personal path that requires determination and unlimited support from people around you. There are 3 ways to alcohol detox safely which includes the assistance of a GP, via a residential rehab or detox facility, and a private home detox service. We look at the benefits and the limitations of these options so you can make an informed decision.

Via a Residential Detox or Rehab Facility Near West Yorkshire

Home detox or inpatient rehabilitation helps the chances of coping addiction. Individual patients will stay within the residential rehab full-time with the assistance of medical staff to oversee the alcohol detox. Because you have access to professional support 24/7, it is more easier and safer than trying to detox on your own.

Inpatient detox from alcohol can be costly. You may be looking at £1000 each week or £5000 per week for a luxury rehab. With the professional medical support and round the clock assistance, detoxing with an inpatient programme is one of the most valuable decisions you can make. While private rehab detox is a good choice for those with enough money, it can be expensive. The standard cost for rehab in the UK is £2000-3000 per week.

Via a Private Home Detox Service

When you wish to stay in your comfort zone and remain close to your friends and family in West Yorkshire, you may consider a private detox at home. Detox at-home detox is provided by experienced and well-educated rehabilitation staff. They will come to your house to provide the treatment you need which includes the management of withdrawal symptoms and their impact on your health and your goals for recovery. It is also cheaper compared to the weekly rate that you will find at a residential rehab.

An at-home detox is a trustworthy option for enhancing your recovery. To make sure you get the support that you deserve, look for government-recommended services. An in-home detox service should be dependable and provide expert aid and resources to stop alcohol intake. The withdrawal process can be difficult, but with great support, it can be achieved.

To find a reliable detox at home service, you will need to find a provider who is listed by the commission of care.

When you choose a home detox, it is important to find regulated services. This ensures that the provider is authorised to support your recovery and prevent relapse.

Via a GP

GPs who went the needed training offer assistance in detox for their patients affected by alcoholism. When you call on a GP to oversee alcohol detox in West Yorkshire you receive guidance regular monitoring and treatment to help you overcome with withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse. Intervention such as medication and careful assessment of disease progression will decide whether you need to be referred to an NHS approved rehab.

The purpose for pursuing detox with the assistance of a GP is that it is cheaper than an inpatient detox or rehab. The downside is that you will have to manage the symptoms and potential triggers on your own which increases the possibility of relapse.

Need Help with a Safe Alcohol Detox in West Yorkshire? We can Help!


Our home detox service is fully registered & compliant.

For safe detox from alcohol in West Yorkshire you can reach out to us for individualised solutions and detox at home including the seervices that are listed in this article.

West Yorkshire Alcoholism Profile

  • In 2020, West Yorkshire coroners covering the Leeds and Wakefield areas saw the highest overall substance-related death figure (113)
  • Drug and alcohol-related deaths rose by nearly 15 percent in Yorkshire
  • Almost 40% of Yorkshire and the Humber residents drink more than the recommended daily maximums
  • An estimated £1.0 million was spent on the West Yorkshire fire and rescue service attending alcohol-related incidents
  • The cost attributable to alcohol-specific offences in 2008/09 was in the region of £3.0 million

Additional Alcohol Detox Services We Provide in West Yorkshire

Sober Coach

Our sober companion will provide unique and highly individualised support throughout your recovery. Because it is so challenging to maintain abstinence during withdrawal and detox, sober coaches help to reduce stress, encourage social participation, and will support balance in your life to prevent the ongoing cycle of alcoholism.

Home Based Addiction Therapy

Therapy that is given in your home can help you receive the help that you need in a safe and supportive space. You can stay in an environment that you are comfortable and where you have the help of loved ones to remain committed to your detox and recovery programme.

Alcohol Detox FAQ

How long does an alcohol detox take?

The symptoms of withdrawal can start hours after you quit drinking but generally lasts between 24 and 72 hours. Some people can experience withdrawal for weeks after detox; however, the intensity and the duration of symptoms during detox will be influenced by health issues, the period of alcohol dependency, and whether other substances are used.

What should I do during an alcohol detox?

The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be challenging but with rest, a balanced diet, and keeping hydrated, you can ease much of the stress that is placed on your mental and physical health. Practicing meditation and managing stress can help you cope and overcome addiction.

How does alcohol detox medication work?

Because alcohol detox can lead to very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, medication is used in treatment. Benzodiazepines are prescribed to reduce the possibility of seizures while slowing the activity of the central nervous system. This creates a relaxing effect on the mind and body while reducing symptoms such as muscle cramps and high levels of anxiety.

Can I still work during a home alcohol detox?

Owing to the nature of withdrawal and the severity of symptoms that you may experience during detox, it is best to take some time off to dedicate to your health and recovery.


Author / Jason Shiers / Dip.Psych MBACP

Jason Shiers is a Certified Transformative Coach & Certified Psychotherapist who is a specialist in addiction, trauma and eating disorders. He has been working in the field of addiction for 25 years now.

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